We were unable to offer these specific sets for sale as per the following post, due to issues with sizing and colors. However, we are working in conjunction with the Ravenclaw video to provide pajama sets instead. Keep an eye out for them — they should become available winter 2013!
Well, the time approaches when you will be able to purchase a set for your very own! (Or for your very favorite Potterhead, of course) There’s just one thing left before we can offer them for sale—we need a solid estimate for the number of sets we will sell. (They’re quite expensive to produce!)
The sets are available in all four houses, and each must be purchased as a full set (we cannot sell you the separates at this time). Also, please note that we are working with the colors and sizes available to us and what you see is what you get. We will charge $24.99 per set, and shipping will vary based on your location (we estimate about $3.50 in the US, and $7 internationally). Also, these sets are not being offered in XL. Honestly, we wish we could change that, but this is an issue with our supplier, not us.
So this is what we need from you in the comments:
- An honest “yes, I will buy this.” We could stand to lose a lot of money if you guys all say “yeah, of course!” and then when it comes time to actually purchase, you back out. If you think there’s a solid chance you won’t be able to buy, don’t tell us you will!
- The house(s) you will be purchasing.
- The size(s) you will be purchasing. (S, M, L)
WHOOPS! Don’t worry, here’s the sizing information you were all looking for:
The tank tops run small, but we *might* be able to offer them in XL and 2X depending on demand:
small: 0 | medium: 2-4 | large: 6-8 | XL: 10-12 | 2X: 14-16
And the underwear sizing, which is unfortunately incredibly limited (again, we did our best):
small: 0-2 | medium: 4-6 | large: 6-8
We know that this sizing isn’t convenient for everyone. We promise we aren’t doing it on purpose. There are very few websites that screen print underwear at all, let alone at reasonable prices and in the colors we need. Dana and I are doing our best to find some sort of workaround, but there are no guarantees.
We’re not sure yet if we can do split-sizing (different sizes for the shirt and the panties), but we think that as long as we take pre-orders (e.g. you pay before we have them printed), we can probably do it.
Hurrah! At last I got a website from where I can in fact take valuable facts concerning my study and knowledge.
I would definitely buy Hufflepuff! So cute! I would get a Lg top and Med bottoms. Good luck!
after you guys make money off the pajama sets, come back and make the underwear sets so you can have more of my money. I loved the boy shorts from the original design, but I’d be ok with the designs shown on this page if that’s all you guys can make happen.
so I would definitely buy, either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw (or both), probably Mediums.
I will definitely be ordering two sets. One Gryffindor and one Slytherin, both size small.
I don’t know how to edit comments, but is forgot I needed the top small and the underwear medium.
Yes, Slytherin!
L Bottom, XL Top
If these are still available, I’d love a Ravenclaw set, size large.
Hi Ashley! Since this post, these have morphed into pajama sets that you can preview here. They’ll be up for sale soon, so stay tuned!
Are the sizes womans? Beacuse im 12 and im a size 8 child’s (U.S.) if so than i would most likely get a zero XD
Are the sizes womans? Beacuse im 12 and im a size 8 child’s (U.S.) if so than i would most likely get a zero XD
I would totAlly get this either way, except my parents have to agree first. Which will be hard, but not impossible! ^^ Ready to rocky my Badger Pride!!
Being male irritates me ><
*pat pat*
If you’re still asking I will definitely buy one of each! They are so cute.
If you are still asking, I’d definitely buy a Slytherin set in Large
I really like these but the ravenclaw is the wrong colors. Ravenclaw is blue and bronze instead of silver. I’d love one of those if the colors were correct
Feel free to check out our post on that subject here: https://not-literally.com/2012/07/26/the-essential-ravenclaw-color-debate/
Any chance I could still get a Gryffindor set, size large?
Ravenclaw medium. :3
I would get Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw sets when the time comes, in L. (If you gals can swing it, then XL.) I don’t mind pre-paying either.
I think that Slytherin’s green tone is too light.
You are far from the only one. Don’t worry, we are revising our plans for these sets.
I will most likely go for a medium Gryffindor! And these look so great, I can’t wait!
I’d buy a Ravenclaw set, most likely in Large. I live in the UK and I have worked out that it would cost £20.20 (including shipping)…. Is that right? When will they be available? And what’s the preffered method of payment?
All of this information will be available when the sets are available, which won’t be for some time. (We just posted a recent update about them—it’ll probably be a while.) As for the price conversion, we don’t know any better than you do! The best we can do is use an online price converter, which I’m sure you did!
Oh, thank you so much for the offer, but I’m quite young and I don’t think my parents would buy me a Hufflepuff set. Sorry.
Yes!! I love the Ravenclaw and Slytherin!
yes, I will buy this. hufflepuff, L
Defiantly would like a slytherin small!!
My sisters and I absolutely love these.
I’m sure they’d want some.
In that case, we’d be taking a Ravenclaw(size small), and two Slytherins(medium and large)
I’d totally get a large Gryffindor and Hufflepuff set.
will absolutely get the gryffindor set! hope i’m not too late to add my name to the list
forgot to mention, a medium gryffindor set
Ill buy one large slytherin set
large panties and XL top maybe 2XL if they run really small
I have been looking for Gryffindor underwear for weeks! I will definitely buy a Gryffindor set in small.
When you say the tanks run small is it closer to ambercrombie and flitch/ american eagle or walmart/kmart/meijer size? There is a big difference between the two and it would help me to pick out the size that would fit me best. For example I fit into a medium at walmart but at Ambercrombie I need xl. If you dont know thats ok. I will ask my friends and family what size they think will fit me. I do want a slytherin set to start off with and then possible get a hufflepuff one as well. It would be nice if you sold matching shorts. Although I do understand you can not sell everything.
When I say “run small,” I am only adding commentary to the information that is available above. That is, their small is a size 0, where most smalls would be a size 2-4 ish. (0 would generally be extra small.) All the information that we have is listed at the bottom of the above post.
As for matching shorts…I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused. We have no plans to make shorts, and never have. Are you just making a general request, or was there something that led you to believe that we had plans for shorts?
I am planning on getting one slythering and hufflepuff set in either lg or xl. I will let you know as soon as I decide. This is my first time ordering online. Can you tell? Sorry for the cunfusion but I was talking about the boy shorts that were with the bowties.
Ah yes, the boyshort/tie sets will be produced separately from these and sold at a different time. The only possible way to mix and match sets would be for you to buy both sets. Sorry!
I would buy a Ravenclaw in medium for sure!
Preferably a medium bottom and large top, if the split sizing thing works out.
I would prob like the split sizing too. XL Puff top, M knickers.
Large Slytherin for me!!!
ALL THE DESIGNS ARE BRILLIANT !!!! I will DEFINITELY buy an XL Puff one !!! Hope the underwear is bikini, not thong! Never been a fan of those.
LOL no no no we would definitely tell you guys if it were a thong. (But these are designed for comfort and cuteness, so no way would we have made it a thong!) We also have a lot of younger fans, and we want this to be an appropriate set to buy even if you’re twelve years old!
Just read the sizing.. If split sizing was available, I’d get XL top cause trying to squish these things in a L? They wouldn’t like it. Maybe a 2XL depending on how the sizing converts. But the bottoms UK wise is like a size.. 10? Yeah, I’m 12-14 (junk in that trunk!) Which really makes me sad. Maybe if you sold the top and knickers sep., I’d just buy the top cause my fat arse wouldn’t manage to squeeze in a “large”. Boo. =( not your fault, it’s mine (lay off the sweets!) but still sadness all the same.
Yes, prolly. Slytherin! Large, though my hips would prolly like an XL tbf. =(
YES I will be getting a L Ravenclaw. Immediately
I will definitely purchase a Slytherin one, although I’m not too sure on what the sizes are. I have to work around my budget, though; saving up for a cruise and for the Wizard’s Collection within one or two months of each other gives me little spending money on the side. |D
I probably would, but since im a student and live in europe, it largely depends on when it will be possible to buy these
But if it is possible i will invest in one of those Gryffindor sets, medium or large i think, just to be sure that it aint to small 😛
I will buy a slytherin, medium size. As a sidenote, I’m a bit concerned about the sizes… are the smalls intended for children? I looked up the size conversion from US to UK, and if it’s right then the smalls are a size four and below… we don’t even have clothes in those sizes in pretty much any store. I’m used to buying smalls all the time so I just wanted to check and make sure I wasn’t getting muddled up on the sizes here. Cheers!
I’ll be getting a Medium Slytherin one please (for my girlfriend, I’m a Ravenclaw personally :P)
Sorry, change that to XL, American sizes confuse me :S. Sorry!
Or not, American sizes really confuse me! Probably L to make sure :P.
I’ll buy a Hufflepuff set in medium
This is a yes for me! I am in Ravenclaw and I will be buying a large top and medium bottoms, unless you manage to get XL then I would take that for a top
Oh I just re-read that, I guess I would have to buy the whole set in large if you can’t get separates
No, I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to do split sizing!
Definitely a L or M Ravenclaw purchase for meeee
Yes! A Gryffindor set, medium.
I LOVE the designs and I would love to buy a Hufflepuff set, but there are 2 reasons I won’t. One is that I’m broke, but the other is that it’s black with a yellow badger. I’m sorry, but it just does not look right at all, especially not for a cheerful hufflepuff. I really don’t understand why you didn’t make it a yellow shirt with a black badger. That’s how it was on your sketch, and what I was really looking forward to. I would have loved to get this as a Christmas or birthday present and now I don’t think I will be.
PLEASE don’t think I am being rude. I just mean to be sending constructive criticism. If you ever change the colors, I will most definitely be begging for these as a present or else scrounging for some money to buy them myself.
We don’t in any way think you’re being rude. There are two reasons we reversed the colors on the Hufflepuff top. One: we had people comment on how the Hufflepuff color combination was opposite the other houses’ and it looked inconsistent. Two: the only yellow available to us is the same as the Gryffindor yellow, and we wanted the two sets to contrast more.
Can’t please everyone, I guess. But we will not be changing the color combination.
You guys are awesome. I really do like the designs, and you’re right. You can’t please anyone. Personally, I would have gone with a red shirt and yellow lion for Gryffindor and a yellow shirt and black badger for Hufflepuff, but that’s me. Maybe I will make my own shirts. You guys are doing awesome work, though. Thanks!
I’ll take a small Slytherin
Great! Thanks!
No bowties and boy shorts? *tear tear*
Don’t worry, both sets will eventually get made! We just decided to produce this one first. C: (Why not get one of each kind? Then you could mix and match, or you’d have a set to wear while the other one’s in the laundry! ;D)
I will totally buy a Ravenclaw set in medium!
Awesome! Thanks!
Most likely! We’re kinda short on money, so I’ll try my best.
I want a Hufflepuff in a large.
Great! Thanks!
I would like to buy a Slytherin set, maybe more later, but
I’m having trouble with the size conversion. I’m in Australia and we size differently.
Would you be able to post measurements in inches or centimetres? I think I’m a
medium but I want to be sure. Thanks.
You can find more specific measurements for the underwear on the American Apparel site. Unfortunately we’re having a lot of trouble tracking down more specific measurements for the tank tops. However, I’m sure you can find a site online that explains American sizing more specifically.
How would you know where to ship them? Do you message people? I’m not
going to buy one/two for a while (when I actually have money) but I just
want to know.
Once we actually take orders, we will obtain addresses. XD Our sets will be sold the same way the bow ties are, through that system. This is just to get an estimate of the numbers we’re looking at.
How would you know where to ship them? Do you message people? I’m not going to buy one/two for a while (when I actually have money) but I just want to know.
I would prefer an XL but I think I’ll probably try the Large anyway. Well Definately. I will want a Ravenclaw. Perhaps a Griffindor in the future too.
Just saw that you think you’ll be able to buy split sizes? If possible I’d like an XL top and L bottom. Otherwise just a L straight.
Great! Thanks!
Yes definitely! I’ll get a Slytherin, either medium or large…. It depends how small the tank tops run. Do you happen to know the bust sizes? Thanks!
Unfortunately, the tank tops are very difficult to track down sizing information on. We will look into it further and keep you updated.
If only I had the money! Grr… if I did, I’d get a Slytherin set for me and a Gryffindor set for my best friend. MUST GET JOB~!!
Good luck in the job hunt! We know that feel, bro!
Ravenclaw, medium
Great! Thanks!
So awesome! I’ll definitely be buying a medium Slytherin!
Great! Thanks!
Medium Hufflepuff
Medium Slytherin.
Fantastic! Thanks!
So under pain of death if my fiance ever say these without me having bought her a set i’ll go with one of each house in large. That said do you wonderful ladies and gentlemrn know what the international postage might come out at for combined shipping?
That is an excellent question! Honestly, I think we’ll probably go with a flat shipping rate, so it won’t cost you any more to ship more than one set.
Question: If we want to get a tank in XL, can we get the bottoms in L?
Yes, we’re pretty solidly in the split-sizing camp now. So you will be able to order a different size for the top and bottom.
Nevermind, just saw the sizing charts. Alas, can’t fit in those, as I’m a size 14 up top, and a 12 for the bottoms.
Do you have a sizing chart? I’m right in between L and XL.
I definitely want a gryffindor one in M !
Great! Thanks!
Not sure how well they’d fit me. would buy otherwise
Sizing information is now listed at the bottom of the post.
You are really doing a great job working with this and trying to make work-arounds. I have no idea how big an size 8 is och a size 12 because we don’t use that type of measuring in Sweden, but the fact that I’m a atleast XL and the sizes are small I’m guessing I can’t have them. I really like tha Hufflepuff design but being a Slytherin myself I didn’t like the color on that one. It’s weird that they didn’t have another green, atleast some other, but it’s their loss really. Hugs and love to you! The Hufflepuff-song-video was really awesome btw <3
Here’s a handy size conversion website that might help: http://www.asknumbers.com/ClothingWomensConversion.aspx
Slytherin small, going to buy 😀
Awesome, thanks!
Darn, I hope you’ll be able to find a different screen printer in the future! Have you checked locally? We’ve got a number of screen printers around our small city (who don’t have websites) that are able to slap designs on anything. I know you said that was the only green available for the Slytherin set, unfortunately it would look terrible on me so I’m skipping this round. Good luck, and I’ll definitely buy next time if there’s a deeper green!
We have found a local screener who’s going to do our t-shirts, and to be honest we had not yet considered asking him to screen the underwear sets. He’s actually out of town until August 22 so we can’t ask him about it, which puts a huge dent in our plans, and on top of that we’re not sure where to buy bulk underwear and camisoles in the colors we need. But we are going to look into that today.
Absolutely love them but if you did manage to get the larger size for tops how would that work for bottoms? It seems unlikely that most girls who would rock a 14-16 on top could fit into the even the largest size offered on the bottom :S
We are perfectly aware of that. Thus why we are still struggling.
Yes I will buy! At least the Ravenclaw in a med. But I might need other houses as xmas giifts
That’s fantastic, thanks!
is there going to be a link to order?
We are not accepting orders yet. As we stated in the post above, we cannot be positive they can even be produced until we have a solid estimate of the numbers interested. But rest assured that once they are for sale, you will know!
I am now utterly confused, as your weird, American sizes are …weird, but I will, unless I am splattered by a wild horde of raging rhinos, by one Hufflepuff set. [I was hoping for the shorts *sob-sob*, but still. XD] Sizewise, I am terribly uncertain, but I THINK I am a …medium. I may, maybe, be a small, but Ill rather have it too large than too small.
Sorry, they seem normal to us! XD
Hell yeah! I’m getting a medeum Ravenclaw one!
Great! Thanks!
as I’m currently looking for a job, I can’t make an legit ‘yes I’m getting one’ post but as soon as I find employment, I’m totally buying one (Gryffindor and large)
Good luck on the job hunt!
I was wondering since the material is a 100% cotton, would the set be preshrunk? If not should I get them a size larger in case of shrinkage?
There doesn’t seem to be any information available from the site on whether or not the garments are preshrunk. We will try to get an answer to that before we offer pre-orders!
I will totally buy a Ravenclaw set in medium! 😀
Hooray, thanks!
large on undies and tank for Hufflepuff! It would be nice to know the brand (certain brands like American apparel run even smaller than most) so we can see a size chart from their website
The panties are actually American Apparel. We really wish there were more sites that screen print underwear and in better sizes.
I really really want to buy a set but I honestly do not know if I will be able to spare the money. If I can pay though I will be TOTALLY buying the Hufflepuff set =D
Oh also probably in a medium or large – will you guys have size charts up when they are available for purchase?
We definitely will! 😀
I’ll definitely get a Hufflepuff one, probably large, maybe medium.
Awesome! Thanks!
Oh my gosh YES!!!! Ravenclaw Medium for sure!!!!!
Woo! Thanks!
No problem. Anything Harry Potter related is a must have for me!
Oh my gosh Yes!!!!! Ravenclaw Medium!!!!!
A small Hufflepuff, please!
Great! Thanks!
Awesome! Would take at least two sets in M; Slytherin for sis, Ravenclaw for me. Will save the $$ to try and get a set of each; but can absolutely commit to purchasing two mentioned. Thanks! -az
Awesome! Thanks!
I am so getting Ravenclaw in small.
I really want Gryffindor too though! Ahh if only money wasn’t so right 
Great! Thanks!
I’ll get one, size medium, in either slytherin or hufflepuff…. I can’t decide which…
Fantastic! Thanks!
Oh, I am so into buying this, however before I can give a definite answer, an idea about when the money would be needed (just to get a better idea if this is something I can realistically fit into upcoming expenses. I am a very poor grad student at the moment) and like others have said size info would good. H
We probably won’t be able to put in the order for a solid week, and then we will start taking pre-orders. We will probably take pre-orders for about a week, possibly two if sales are slow.
As for sizing information, I know that the underwear is small: 0-2; medium: 4-6; large: 8-10. The shirts seem to run a little smaller, as in small: 0; medium: 2-4; and large: 6-8. We can possibly offer the shirts in XL (10-12) and 2X (14-16), but if we don’t get at least three orders for those, we can’t do it.
Ok. Yes I will get a set. Ravenclaw small underwear (I looked up the american apparel underwear sizes…), probably a small top too, but you did say they run smaller… What brand are the tanks?
Too exciting! My mother expressed her disapproval that I hadn’t been sorted into hufflepuff to get that cute badger design. lol.
The brand of the tank top is “Bella,” which is vague enough to make it almost impossible to find information on it. If you’re a size 2-4, which is usually considered “small,” you’d want to go for a medium in the shirt set.
And don’t worry, we’re all jelly of the badgers. I definitely think that set is the cutest!
You gals should totally model them. !
I will possibly purchase a Hufflepuff set. But if there’s any way you could get another supplier who would offer XLs, that would be awesome. I might decide to go ahead with L, but XL would be so much better.
Cross our hearts, Kailyn, we did our very best. We are still looking for a workaround of some kind, but ultimately it comes down to the suppliers. There are really only a handful of screen printers on the web who will do underwear in a price range that’s reasonable. We promise we’re doing our darnedest, though.
Please get more sizing info. I’d love to buy a set but considering there’s no info on sizing, I can’t definitively say…anything.
With the panties the sizing is S: 0-2 M: 4-6 L: 8-10 and for the tanks the sizing is the same in addition to XL: 10-12 and 2X: 14-16. We’re planning on eventually offering the shirts and panties separately but for this first batch they have to be together.
Sorry Ashley, for some reason we didn’t think about that while we were writing the post. We’re editing it now with sizing information. Sorry!
I’d love to but how can I tell if a Large would fit me?
For the panties large corresponds with size 8-10. With the next design we’re going to do our best to make sure that we can find better sizing options. You’d be shocked at how limited it is when it comes to getting the right colors.
Do you have more info on sizing? I’d love a Gryffindor set, but I’m not sure if small/medium.
Sorry about that, we’re updating the post with sizing info now! Totally spaced it!
Do you know the size comparisons (I.E. Small could be 2-4, Medium could be 6-8, etc.)? I would like to try and maybe save up for one but I don’t want to buy something that wont fit, seeing as I’m the only Slytherin I know 😛
With the panties the sizing is S: 0-2 M: 4-6 L: 8-10 and for the tanks the sizing is the same in addition to XL: 10-12 and 2X: 14-16. We’re eventually planning on offering them as separates for you guys but this first batch will be together.
I’ll buy a Ravenclaw in medium
Awesome! Thanks!
Well… I’m a bit disappointed. I would have purchased the Slytherin set… but you won’t have my size.
We’re so sorry, Cassandra. Believe us when we say we have been attacking this problem from every angle for weeks trying to find a solution.
YES i will almost certainly be buying a medium hufflepuff (I assume medium? i always get nervous with online sizing… i range from a small to xlarge sizing in online tshirts depending on the company… *sigh*) Also, I would definitely consider these are gift options for some of my potter friends!
That’s great! And we’re adding some more specific sizing information to the post right now, so you can be a little more comfortable with your sizing choice!
I would so buy this D: <3
YES. i will almost certainly be buying a medium hufflepuff. (i assume medium? i always get anxious with online sizing… i wear from small to xlarge online tshirts depending on the company. ridiculous.) I’m excited! I would probably even consider this is a gift option for some potter friends i know!
I completely understand. Buying online is tough. With the panties the sizing is S: 0-2 M: 4-6 L: 8-10 and for the tanks the sizing is the same in addition to XL: 10-12 and 2X: 14-16.
Can you guys reeeeally not find another supplier? I would’ve ordered a Ravenclaw & Hufflepuff, in S, but I don’t really want to support the idea that the people who’d want these only come in 3 sizes.
Michelle, we completely understand your frustration. Look at the time stamp of the original post about these and then realize that every single day between then and now, Dana and I have been scouring the web looking for a way to offer this to as many people as possible. We are in no way purposefully excluding any fans.
There are shockingly few sites that offer screen printing for underwear, let alone in the colors we need and with prices that we think are reasonable (you wouldn’t want to have to pay $50 or $60 per set, would you?)
If you are frustrated with the sizing available (we are, too), then please send jakprints.com and/or American Apparel a message letting them know that you would like their sizing to be more inclusive.
Meanwhile, we wouldn’t want you to be deprived of your house pride sets because of their problem. You may rest assured that we are STILL trying to find a workaround, because we know our fans come in all shapes and sizes and we want to accomodate all of them.
I wish I could! They are so cute. Alas, I would not be able to fit in any of those sizes… If you find a way to make a 2X or 3X, I would certainly be up for a Ravenclaw or Slytherin
We’ll do our best, Katie. You’d be shocked at how limited the sizing options are when you need specific colors. That’s what really did us in.
I’ll buy a medium Gryffindor set!
Hooray! Thanks!
Gryffindor small please!
Whee! Thanks!
I will purchase 1 Hufflepuff set in size medium. Do you know what material they’re made of? I usually wear small, but I’m thinking they’re cotton and going to shrink, so I’m going with medium.
Both are 100% cotton!
Yay! One medium Gryffindor set!
Great! Thanks!
Hmm… any idea what material it is? Normally I would prefer XL, but I might could make do with an L depending on the material and if it had any stretch.
Both are 100% cotton so cold wash only I suppose. We do wish that they were also available in XL but unfortunately there was nothing we could do.
For sure a Hufflepuff set in medium!
Sweet! Thanks!
Yes! Count me in! Size large in hufflepuff!
Great! Thanks!
1. YES
2. One from each house
3. What is the sizing chart? I would say L for the top and M for bottoms
We’re not entirely certain yet that we can do split sizing, but we will keep it in mind! 😀 Glad to hear you’re excited!!
Agh! Well then..guess I could always just wear the shirt. Either way, I’m buying them. So excited!
We will buy one se of Ravenclaw in size medium. My wife and I also have no problem at all pre-ordering (paying in advance) to assist in e cost of production.
Awesome! Thanks!
Wish I could purchase this but:
1. doesn’t come in my size
2.don’t have money to purchase
3.don’t really like the color you pick for slytherin.
sorry not trying to be rude, just honest.
As we said in the post, the sizing and color are not our choice. The green we chose was literally the only green available, and the website we are working through (the ONLY website we could find that screen printed underwear) does not offer XL. We’re very sorry, but this isn’t up to us.
I agree. The Slytherin green does not say Slytherin to me. I would totally buy it otherwise.
It was the only green available. Believe me, we looked. You think since there are different greens in other styles that those greens would be available in all of the merchandise, but you’d be as wrong as we were.