Ask the Doctor launches today! A few months back, we planned a webseries collaboration with , a weekly advice and question and answer VLOG set in the Doctor Who universe. Matt flew out to Colorado all the way from England for our Regeneration Carol, and we also took time that weekend to shoot the entire series. Here’s the first episode:
We began taking questions a few months ago via e-mail and Facebook. Matt even asked for questions in an impromptu post on his Facebook page on the day of shooting. We ended up with over a hundred questions in under an hour! Once we had all the episodes written and mapped out, we set up the greenscreen and began a very long day of shooting all the episodes. It was a lot of fun and we’ll be releasing one every week, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out! We love questions and comments here and on our Youtube channel as well, so be sure to leave us a note!

Erik and Matt on the set of Ask the Doctor.
What’s your favorite moment from the first episode? Let us know!